Friday, October 28, 2011

The Cosmos

It’s one of those perfect days in Los Angeles. Not too hot, not too cool. But don’t move out here all at once, we still have lot's of traffic.
            I’ve been keeping busy stacking rocks. I’m making a flowerbed near my cabin. In between rocks I’ll jot down words to a song I’m working on. The songs are coming one after another. I think the cosmos are trying to tell me something. I don't hear voices exactly, but I do listen. I highly recommend you just sit and listen. But if you hear something that involves guns and murder, check yourself in case you're nuts. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1968 Oldsmobile

      I took a look at a car today. It was a 1968 Oldsmobile 98 with a 454 engine. It’s not all that practical but, it is a convertible. It’s a beautiful car. It's been sitting for years, it's beat up, but romantic. There was a kid selling the car for his parents. He was a nice kid. He was a twenty-nine year old attorney but not a practicing attorney. He seemed wise beyond his years. He had tiny eyes, like a cowboy's eyes in the sunlight. We talked for twenty minutes or so before I hit the road. I really want the car but it does need work. It's a little piece of history and I'm a sucker for history. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


      I’ve been riding the train to get around. I’m in between cars. Being in between cars is like being in between girlfriends in many respects. I don’t mind the train. I rode the train for years when I lived in San Francisco. It’s always an adventure. I like it. I feel like I’m on the road traveling, but I’m just seeing the city in a different light. It takes longer, but I’m not in a rush. The tricky part is walking once I’m off the train. I haven’t mastered the connections yet. I don’t think it will be that bad once I set my bike up. I’m looking forward to the exercise.