Saturday, February 4, 2017

Cures For Road Rage

           I have a new strategy for driving. Rather than becoming aggravated by bad drivers, I'm trying to be more sympathetic. When someone's driving too fast and tailgating, I'll tell myself, oh they probably ate spicy chiles and need to find a bathroom before they shit themselves. And if someone is driving too slow I'll tell myself, they probably have a baby in the car, or a cake, or four large Cokes from In N Out in a flimsy cardboard holder. 
            If someone does something stupid like pull a left turn in front of me, I'll say, oh they probably just had brain surgery. And if a driver drives selfishly, my answer is, they're probably royalty.
            I'm having fun with my new game. It doesn't always work. I still lose my cool from time to time, but at least I can amuse myself. I'm easily amused.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Quiet Revolution

           How do the rich and powerful influence governments? Answer: money. A lot of money? Not really, you'd be surprised how cheaply you can buy a congressman. 
            I haven't really said much about our new leaders in government. From the outside looking in, it looks bad. And I'm sure from the inside looking out it looks even worse. I've read the Facebook posts and from what I can tell people are well intentioned, but their ideas for resistance are anything but focused. Some people are talking revolution, and others are trying to form an underground, but if you know anything about history you'll understand that violent revolutions are rarely, if ever, successful.
             So I'd like to make a suggestion to my liberal friends, those good people who are trying to do right. If money is the basis of power, why don't we start with that and divest from banks and institutions that aren't contributing to the greater good of the planet. If you're a liberal and politically active and still banking at Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, you're missing the point and not using your power. In fact you're wasting it by giving it to corporate structures that have no concern for nature or people. Find a good credit union. Buy products that help instead of hurt the planet. Try to be good the best you can. It's not easy I know, but start with where you put your money.
             How we spend our money is the new revolution, it's the quiet revolution in which the enemy structures to people and the planet have absolutely no defense.