Monday, October 8, 2018

Worth The Risk?

     We have a new Supreme Court Justice. We could've had someone good, but nah. We got a man-boy of dubious distinction. Yale took another hit. First George W. and now this Kavanaugh-shit-kid. It makes me wonder about intelligence as it pertains to the Ivy League.  Is it all just a farce? More than likely, but what's a poor Mexican-American to do, but watch and laugh, and then cry, at the fact that our leaders are spineless barbarians. 
     If I didn't care about this country it wouldn't bother me. Ironically, I think this force-fed appointment of our new Supreme Court Justice is going to have a long term effects on the elite. With each horrible decision this man makes there will be a greater divide of the social classes. The illusion of meritocracy will be diminished and the American dream eventually killed. Not good for the elite. Think of South Africa before the fall of Apartheid. Armed guards, security gates, living in constant fear of attack. That's no way to live. 
     It's as if the elite of this country haven't studied history, or read The Prince by Machiavelli. They're creating conditions for their own demise. It's interesting to watch. I'm not sure I'd take the risk. It hardly seems worth it.