Monday, November 6, 2017

Daylight, More Night

      I fell asleep early last night. Daylight savings hour had me confused. I'm pretty good at guessing the time in the morning by looking at the sunlight. I can figure it out with a plus or minus of ten minutes. But today I had no idea. It seems silly and a bit arrogant to manipulate time like that. It doesn't make any sense to me. 
      A coyote and a possum were at war while I was sleeping. I heard the coyote chasing the possum and the possum was squealing as he ran away. I'm pretty sure the possum climbed a tree and escaped. My head felt heavy like a bowling ball. I could barely move it I was sleeping so hard. I didn't bother to get up and look. I just lay stiff in bed. 
      The possum had been licking the grease off of my barbecue. He wasn't shy about it either. He'd make a bunch of noise while he greedily went at it. He came back two or three days in a row. I saw him doing it a few times and figured it was only a matter of time before a coyote caught wind of it. Sure enough, last night was the night and the chase was on. 
      Everything is peaceful now. Just hawks circling for squirrels, and the sound of leaf blowers in the distance. And of course sirens on Figueroa street for the human casualties in life.