I went to a show. A friend of mine was playing a short set. I stepped up to the bar to order a drink, but the bartender didn't have it together and it was taking a long time. A bartender who's not hustling, pointing fingers, leaning in to take orders, is bad for business.
I got to talking to a modern day settler, one of those bearded civil war types, while I waited to order. He seemed nice enough. It turns out a little while later he mistakenly bumped in to my shoulder. He was a short guy and looked up at me with his small eyes and beard. He said he was sorry and moved on.
A little while later I was in the restroom. I'd just washed my hands and was moving toward the door, when it kicked open and stopped me in my tracks. The door hit me on the shoulder. It was the bearded settler again. "Oh, sorry," he said.
"No problem," I said.
I was standing watching the band when another guy bumped into me. He gave me the watch where you're going look. Fool. I'm standing, you're walking. Some people.
Not long after that I was talking to a friend, when I felt somebody bump into my shoulder again. I turned around to see who it was. It was the bearded settler. He shot me his small eye surprised look, "Oh, sorry," he said.
"No, problem," I said.
If he only knew what I thinking, which was something to the effect of watch where you're going you clumsy settler!!!