Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Drunk Talk; Advice From A Super Human

            I got the old Ampeg SVT back. I picked it up from the electrical genius' house. He trusted me to pick it up from his house, not his laboratory. I was honored. We had a good conversation about tubes and amps. Then we segued into baseball and broken windows. He lives across the street from a baseball diamond.
            The bass lines to my songs have me stumped, but my amp sounds good. I want to take back what I said about not playing live with the old tuber. I'd play live with her anytime. I'd have to put more money into her, so I'd know for sure she wouldn't catch fire. 
            It's a shame I don't play bass much anymore. I never really did. Performing, to me, has always been like lye in the face, but I'm changing my ways. Just do your job is my new motto. I think it has something to do with my distaste for fame, and the American dream, and all that bullshit. But I realized I like nice things. As a hermit I'm sacrificing nice things for solitude. Solitude is great. Nothing better in my eyes, but on the other hand there's god's purpose. Or deity, however you want to say it. And my purpose is to write songs and write books. I've fought it for years. I thought I should have a stable career and at one point I did, but I was a fish out of water for more than one reason. If it feels wrong it probably is. But most people don't live by instincts, practicality comes into play. And with practicality comes some unhappiness, especially if your purpose in life is not practical in the traditional sense. 
            So there it is. Life is really not that complicated. You have a purpose. Your purpose is special. If you're unhappy, you probably aren't doing what you're suppose to be doing. So my unsolicited advice is to do what you think you should be doing and nothing short.