Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014


            I went to a lecture on astral projection, and now I'm keeping a dream journal. My dreams are very entertaining, but then again whose aren't? I'm glad I'm writing them down though. There are a lot of games being played in my dreams. Mostly, they're being played in the background. The games are variations of scrabble, volleyball, and basketball, close to reality but just a few ticks off. 
            I went to another lecture. This time the subject was Merlin the Magician, Greek mythology, and religion. I sat there listening when it occurred to me that dreams and religion are intertwined. The dream state is less rigid than religion of course, but religion can be just as confounding as dreams in my estimation. When I think about what people believe in and why, it becomes confusing to me. Religion is full of miracles where impossible events transpire, just like in dreams. But people think their religious beliefs are facts, and might be deeply offended by me comparing dreams to religion. To me dreams are religion. There. I said it, I meant it, and that's the way it is.