Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I built myself a cabin. I figured why not. I was tired of giving my hard earned money to my landlord in Hermosa Beach. He was living the good life, and I wasn’t. 
Last night I was awoken from a dead sleep by rustling sounds underneath my cabin. It could have been a raccoon or coyote, I wasn’t sure. I was still groggy and it wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard before. 
I rolled over and cut the cheese real loud. It must have been the meatball sandwich I had for dinner. The sound startled the animal outside. I heard it scamper away in an absolute panic. A mischievous smile came to my face. 
             It wasn’t long before I smelled the odor of skunk coming from beneath the floorboards. The skunk won.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Owls are funny. I heard a couple of them last night hooting in the trees. They were in separate trees, and were taking turns communicating. They were having a conversation but it was from a vast distance. I was wondering why they didn’t get closer to each other, but then I realized that the owls have it figured out.
I got to thinking that they only have one volume and need to put some distance between them so as not to offend.  
            The owls reminded me of the foghorns in San Francisco near the Golden Gate Bridge. The foghorns take turns. It’s the low bellowing horn first, then the high-pitched steam whistle sounding horn. Or it could be the other way around, I can’t say for sure.