From time to time I like to give an update on my doings. To keep my readers abreast of my life and otherwise.
I finally got the second proof of my book in order, "And Then Dawn Dies." I had some trouble with the formatting. I went to the University of YouTube to rectify the problem. The answer didn't come right away, so the book languished while I did my research. What I discovered was that a computer is not a typewriter. It seems fairly obvious, but the long and the short of it is, there are hidden characters in the computer world, and the space bar is not to be used to make indentations. I don't remember using the space bar to make indentations, but that's neither here nor there now.
I've also been recording a new album. I finished the old album, "Solar Road," but I'm not happy with the mixes so I haven't promoted it. The same thing happened to my first album, "Janus." I'll have to remix both albums at some point. But until then I'm working on my third album, which I haven't named yet.
I've been writing songs for both the new album and The Glen Livers. The Glen Livers is the live act, the band, or the general term for my music. I'm trying to keep The Glen Livers live show upbeat. Many of the songs I write are not upbeat, so I'm using them for the third album.
I'll be compiling my blogs for a book idea I have. While I re-write my second book, "Lilies In The Fridge," as I finish my third book, "Brother Jerry."
That's the report. Stayed tuned.