Sunday, December 31, 2017


      I'm bored with capitalism. I'm bored with its commercials, its morning programs, its news cycles, its wars, its so-called heroes, its famous people. I'm bored with people trying to become famous. That strikes me as the saddest of them all. That's like praying for money. Asking God for things that don't matter. 
      Maybe I'm bored cause I'm boring. I do feel a tinge boring. I tend to follow the same patterns and my patterns are not always all that interesting, sipping coffee, playing the guitar, writing, recording songs. 
      When I was sick with the flu I had nothing better to do but to cruise the Internet. And the association of being sick and reading the same old things over and over soured me to certain websites. I'm bored with them. Sick of the commentary, the headlines. I'm tired of everybody having an opinion, and thinking they can read into to future and determine the results of something that hasn't happened. It's mind numbing. It's redundant. It's dang monotonous.