There are a couple things that I've never understood, and I may never understand. First of all, I've noticed that an empty refrigerator can still get dirty. Sometimes my refrigerator will have nothing more than a can of coffee in it and I'll find it dirty inside. It's baffling to me. Where do the crumbs come from?
The other thing on my mind has to do with guitar cords. Guitar cords have a thing called a quarter inch jack at the end of them. The jack has a metal sleeve that screws tight to cover the solder and wiring of the cord. Every time I use a cord, out of habit, I'll make sure the sleeve is screwed tight. I've often wondered how it becomes loose in the first place. Sometimes, I'll pick up a cord that I haven't used in years and I'll check the sleeve and sure enough it's loose. Other times, I'll tighten the sleeve only to use the cord a few days later and find that it's loose again. I don't get it.
I mentioned this fact to my friend and she said maybe there's an elf, or a troll, or brownie that loosens it in the middle of the night just to make me crazy. We laughed hard at the thought of it. An elf, or troll, or brownie, sneaking up to my guitar cord while I'm sleeping and twisting the sleeve just enough. Then, quietly slinking back to my refrigerator to eat a sandwich.