Sunday, September 11, 2016

Yucca Tree

            I got poked in the leg by a yucca tree. It wasn't a big deal until it got infected. I was trimming a branch, when something told me to be careful. It's my belief that trees have a way of exacting revenge, because it never fails when I'm trimming a tree or cutting a branch the tree finds a way to bring me pain. I'll bump my head on a limb or hurt myself in some other way. I always tell myself to be careful, but the tree finds a roundabout to defend itself.
            The infection turned into a ball of red. My skin was angry. At first I treated it with herbs and hot compresses, but when pus started to form I had to ask for a second opinion. I showed my leg to my mother to see what she thought. She's not one to panic, and doctors are for the rare occasions when death is imminent. 
             "Hey mom, take a look at this and tell me what you think?"
             She glanced at my leg out of the corner of her eye and said, "aye mijo, go to the doctor!"