Thursday, January 12, 2012

Listen: It's No Secret

            I’m trying to be mindful of the way I listen. Not just for music but in the way I interact with people. The human connection is largely about listening. I find myself wondering about what I look like when I’m listening. Someone will be talking and I’m thinking about how I’m standing, or in what direction I’m facing, or if I’m looking the person in the eye. Do I look sincere while I’m listening? I don’t feel sincere. I often wonder what the person who’s doing the talking is thinking about how I’m listening. It’s a strange concept the idea of listening because in many respects it's more than just paying attention or giving the illusion of paying attention, it’s the human connection. It’s the need we all have to be heard. Yet, I must admit I sometimes take listening lightly. It’s not always easy to listen. Sometimes I’ll give people my full attention when frankly they don’t deserve it. There’s a fine line between listening and being abused. Some people are selfish and needy and demand your attention to the point of insanity. Shut up! Thank you.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Killing Spiders

            I’ve been killing spiders. I use to have a catch and release program but last night and today I found it easier just to whack them. I don’t feel good about it, but the little buggers are like cockroaches. They multiply real fast. I like having a few around during the summer months when the mosquitoes are prevalent. I’ll let one spider keep a web on a window seal as a natural defense for my skin, but it’s winter now, and the spiders are a little too comfortable. I guess everybody wants the easy life, even spiders. They do fascinate me but from now on they’re on a quota system.