Thursday, April 2, 2015

Time, Earth, and Your Momma

            I'm going through some kind of transformation where time is accelerated. Thirty seconds on a microwave seems like fifteen seconds in life. I'm not sure why, but I'm paying more attention to time. I think it's because every where I turn there's a clock. My cell phone, my ipad, my computer, my car, I'm surrounded by clocks. And what I've noticed is that even the simplest task can be a bit of a time warp. For instance, the other night I sat down to read. I checked the clock, it was two a.m. I read a short blurb from a magazine, and checked the clock again, two minutes had passed. It was the shortest two minutes of my life. Mind you, I was slightly inebriated, but it didn't feel like two minutes at all. 
            It got me thinking about time, man, and earth. The earth is five billion years old, give or take. Relative to the earth, man is just a baby. Yet, we've figured out way to destroy the planet. But the reality is we're destroying ourselves and other living creatures. In the grand scheme of things, man is micro-important compared to the planet. The death of man would be liberating to earth. So perhaps in some twisted manner, the earth is trying to kill us off without us realizing it. If the planet should decide that's it, no more water, we humans are toast. And it seems things are moving in that direction. Soon, we'll all be huddled up in the state of Washington hoping for some rain. 
           And Mother Earth will say to us in a Spanish accent. "I tol' you!"