On more than one occasion I've been woken from a deep sleep by the sound of a coyote killing its prey.
Coyotes have different techniques for killing, but it's almost always
based on deception. A coyote will figure out the habits of an animal.
Raccoons walk the same trail at dusk; possums forage for food in the same general area.
The other night I heard a killing. A coyote and a possum. The
coyote waited for the possum to make his rounds, and when the possum
did, he snatched him up. He barely had to move. He was standing right
there waiting for him.
As killings go, it was peaceful, cooperative, and without much
fuss. It felt like the animals were mindful that people were trying to
Nature is not without tragedy that's for sure. Survival by design
is a trick. A rattlesnake is made to look like dirt and rocks.
And the spirit world seems is no different. It tricks and confuses
just the same. You ask for one thing and you get something else, and
then write it off as god's will. And then ask again for what you wanted
in the first place.
Of course life's not always a trick, just once in a while. But those once-in-a-whiles can really mess up your day.