I've lived in Los Angeles for the better part of my life and I'm still discovering things about it. I don't want to reveal the locations of my favorite spots. I'll just say that there's a lot to explore in them there hills.
Recently I've found a pristine tree-lined creek with pools and some hiking trails that I've driven past on many occasions.
Usually if I see a parking lot with people I'll drive past it. It's not that I don't like people, it's just that I don't like to follow the crowd.
For years I've driven past this one spot. There's a parking lot, picnic tables, and lots of signs. There's even an official visiting center. So needless to say, I'd skip it,
Well, the other day I was driving up the mountain when I realized the gas gauge was showing a little low. I forgot to check it before I left the city. I wasn't sure I had enough gas to get to where I wanted to go. I drove a ways and decided to turn around to play it safe. That's when I saw the parking lot. I was thinking it was just a good place to turn around, but I parked the car to do some exploring. Well what do you know? A hiking trail. No wonder people stopped here.
It was a beautiful trail. It had been there for a long time. I'm going to go back during the week to hike it without the crowds.