Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Beans Are Loaded With Gun Powder

             My neighborhood is changing, and so is the clientele at my favorite Mexican restaurant. I stopped in yesterday for lunch and there were gringos everywhere.
             There were four dude-bros talking loudly at a table. I could hear them twenty feet away. Something about that struck me as odd. Use the volume control, dude-bros you're three feet away from each other. 
             When the waitress came to take their order only one of the men was nice. He tried to order in Spanish and was polite. The other three guys were buffoons. One of them tried to special order a tostada. He wanted chicken on a tortilla or something like that. The waitress was trying to follow along, but I could see she was confused. He had no idea what he wanted. When a you try to special order a tostada in a Mexican restuarant, it just looks bad. He looked bad. Don't do it, man.
             My advice, if you need to special order a tostada, just order the soup. Soup is generally harmless. And you don't have to worry about the beans giving you fartilitos because they're loaded with gunpowder.