Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Algorithm

            In the future, when I'm dead and gone, governments will be run by algorithms. Politicians will cease to exist. Hackers will try to infiltrate the algorithm to divert money, to slow the system for their own causes, or just for the fun of it. So, not unlike governments run by people, the algorithm will be immersed in gridlock from time to time.
            Power will be in the hands of those who create the algorithm and who have the ability to change it. Every four years the public will vote on whether the algorithm should be changed or not. But it will be just a formality, because nobody will really know if it was changed or not. 
            Essentially, the algorithm will be a giant treasury that collects and distributes funds much like what current governments do, but instead of people deciding who gets what, the algorithm decides.
             There will be an algorithm to check "the algorithm," and an algorithm to check the algorithm that's checking the algorithm, and so on. Instead of complaining about politicians the citizenry will complain about the algorithm. People will say, the algorithm is getting me down! And, fuck the algorithm!