Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Arroyo Seco

            I spent the day at the Arroyo Seco. Once I put the tragedy of the cement creek behind me, I was fairly happy. The cement creek was a constant reminder of man's insensitivity. I kind of got over it eventually, but mistakes of that magnitude are hard to ignore. I'd look at the blue sky and think, wow that's beautiful, and then I'd look at the cement creek, and say, what happened? It went on like that. I started throwing rocks into the cement creek eventually. It was my way of solving the problem of ugly. The rocks echoed as they hit the water, then bounced out and lay flat on the riverbed. They looked out of place as they lay there. It was ironic. I walked nearly five miles so there were things to enjoy. Plant life mostly- sage, oak trees, sycamore trees, and wooly blue curls.