Monday, June 27, 2011


The cover band isn’t going so well. It’s a comedy of errors, but nobody’s laughing. We’ve been rehearsing for some time now, and we seem to be getting progressively worse. I think it has something to do with lack of commitment.
            We have young Armenian kid playing guitar. We call him “Dude-bro.” He’s a real nice kid, but he has two jobs and says he doesn’t have time to practice.
            “What time do you get off work?” I asked him.
            “Six, “ he answered.
            “You have plenty of time to practice,” I said.
            I sense resistance. Meanwhile, I have the drummer on my back to get rid of him, but the drummer doesn’t practice either. I practice, but I practice guitar more than bass. The singer forgets his part ever now and then, but we all do. I’m the one trying to keep things together, but that’s one of my weaknesses in life. I’m a nice guy, but I cut sharp when frustrated. It’s not a good combination for leadership.
            Another problem we have is scheduling. The drummer works swing shift. Dude-bro, works weekdays, and weekends, between the two of them we’re left with Saturday and Sunday two rehearse. I’m not sure what we would do if we landed a gig.    

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