Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Muse

            The muse. I seldom talk about the muse. I suppose every artist should have an opinion about the muse. I find it interesting when artist offer their opinions regarding the subject. They tend to become animated, expressive, philosophical, and even poetic when they talk about the muse. The muse isn’t all that important to me. I seldom if ever think about her or him. It’s romantic to ponder and it has a long history in art, but for me it’s the process that keeps me interested. The muse is everywhere at anytime, but usually when you least expect it, so pay attention. That’s my philosophy when it comes to the muse.
However, when I saw an online ad written by a young lady wanting to be a muse, I responded.
            “I can always use a muse,” I answered.
            “What’s your medium?” she answered back.
             I'm a amused.

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