Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Answer is Easy

            Leadership is a bitch. It’s hard to find a good leader. Frankly, I sometimes wonder if it’s even possible? Yes, of course it’s possible but uncommon to find a good leader. It’s exceptional when leadership has the respect of its subjects. I know I rarely respect leaders, but for the rare few that take the time to organize and plan and come prepared.             
            Patton was a great leader, probably the last great American general we’ve had. I know, I know Eisenhower, well, that’s argument for another day.
            The presidential election is fast approaching. I’ll have the privilege to choose between two potential leaders. I’ve simplified the process for making my choice. The important issues more than likely will bog down in congress, so I’ve come up with my own method for selecting a president. I came up with it just this instant. The question I ask myself is, “who would I be more apt to follow on a marked hiking trail in the San Gabriel Mountains?” Honestly, my rebellious spirit would have trouble following either one of them, but if I had to choose the answer is easy. 

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