Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Hippie Dream

            Bill the smog guru is no longer Bill the smog guru. He sold his diagnostic equipment and quit the business. He had a run in with the state of California and in true hippie fashion he lost. The state rolled right over him, and told him, my way or the state highway, and the state highway it was. Bill knew he was licked so he sold his equipment at a decent price.
Bill still has some hippie rebellion in him. He hasn’t given up yet. He already has a new scheme for a smog guru resuscitation. His plan is to sell his business to guy named Veroush. Veroush is a smog guru of a lower order, but a smog guru nonetheless. Bill’s strategy is to team up with Veroush so he can reclaim his rightful position of king of the smog gurus! Muahahaha.
            Frankly, I don’t think Veroush is going to go for it, but I didn’t have the heart to tell Bill that. Why crush the hippie dream.   

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