Saturday, September 24, 2016


            Yesterday was errand day. I went to the bank, bought a dozen tamales, got a haircut. The tamale is quite possibly the perfect food ever invented, in my estimation. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and if you're hungry later in the evening you can have them for a snack. 
             My barber Tony Scissorhands went at my hair pretty good. He didn't talk much, nor did I. It was all business. I sat there with my eyes closed. The sound of the scissors opening and closing in his hands made me drowsy. 
             I'm not sure why, but Tony likes to blow dry my hair. I don't blow dry. The blow dry is a step back in time as far as I'm concerned. It makes my hair puffy and I feel like I need to buy a gold chain afterward. 
             I drove past a McDonald's on my way home. I've noticed that people drive erratically around McDonald's. People drive erratically in general, but there's a certain desperation around a McDonald's. Sudden stops, unexpected lane changes, making turns where they're not supposed to make turns. It's not like at In and Out where  there's a well organized line of cars waiting patiently. No, there's something about a Big Mac that makes people crazy. Be careful when you approach a McDonald's. People who eat there are reckless.

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