Monday, October 16, 2017


      I played with a drummer once who refused to play shuffles. He had it in mind that they were beneath him in some way. I used to tease him about it, but he was headstrong and never gave in.
      Playing the blues was out of the question, and we couldn't play rockabilly or even certain rock songs depending on the beat. Needless to say the band was stifled by it, and eventually parted ways. Who wants to be in a band where you can't play a shuffle? 
      Every once in while we'd say let's play Cold Shot, and he'd just about flip out. I sometimes wonder about him. The last I heard he was playing in a rock band, and I wonder if he pulled the same thing with them. 
      I've always thought playing a good shuffle was difficult. To get it right anyway. But, no not this drummer. He hated them. 

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