Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nappy Time

            I was talking to Bill the smog guru about naps. He likes to sneak in a nap while his workers are at lunch. He says it’s easy to fall asleep on weekends. All he has to do is set the television to a station that is showing a golf tournament.
            “It works every time.”
            As he told me his technique for napping, and we expounded on the merits of the sleep aid called golf, I realized the sure genius to this approach. First of all, the announcers speak in a hushed tone of voice, as if there were a baby sleeping. “This putt is for birdie,” the announcer might say in a whispery, pleasant voice. It makes me sleepy just thinking about it. 
            The crowd is quiet. They don’t boo or jeer like at a football game. In football you hear a whistle blowing every fifteen seconds that’s not good for sleep.
            Even the golf swing is pleasant. It’s a whooshing sound, not like the crack of the bat in baseball. Yes I do believe we’ve found a purpose for golf, it’s a sleep aid.  

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