Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Connection

I called Bill the Google Master, aka: Bill the Smog Guru, for my eighty-three year mother. She needs a smog check and I wanted to make sure that she went to a reputable place. She insists on doing things herself, and calling Bill was the best I could do for her. 
Bill told me to tell her to go to Ace Smog Check in Eagle Rock and ask for a guy named Varoush or Fred, and tell them Bill sent her for the discount. 
I hung up the phone and wrote down the information and gave it to my mom. 
"Here you go, the place is called Ace Smog check and you’re to ask for a guy named Varoush or Fred and tell them Bill sent you.” I said.
“Varoush? She questioned.
“Yep, Varoush or Fred,” I reassured her.
The thought of my mother pulling up to the place, slowly getting out of her car,  and telling some guy named Varoush “Bill sent me” was enough to make me chuckle. 

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